Maternity Leave FAQ for Central Government Employees

If you have any leave related questions and want us to answer it then raise it at our working women forum.

Q.1 When I can start the maternity leave?
Ans: you can start your maternity leaves six weeks before the expected date of your delivery.

Q.2 Can I work till the day of my delivery so that I can have more time with my baby?
Ans: Yes, You can work up to the day of your delivery and then also you will be entitled for the maternity benefit.

Q.3 Can I ask my office to give me lighter jobs during pregnancy to avoid physical strain?
Ans. You can definitely ask your boss to change your duties if your job involves long standing time, working with obnoxious, hazardous chemicals or any type of work which can be harmful for mother or baby's health and development.

Q.4 What will happen if I join office before completing my maternity leave?
Ans. If you join the office before the completion of your maternity leave period, your maternity benefits automatically gets cancelled. So if you need to do some office job during maternity leave period, do it as obligatory rather than formally joining the office. Remember, office can not compel you to join during maternity leave.

Q.5 Can I extend leaves for the care of the child, after the maternity leaves are over?
Ans. As per CCS rules for government employees, maternity leaves can be combined with any kind of leaves (including commuted leave up to 60 days and leave not due) and extendable up to one year in continuation without medical certificate. Remember the leaves to be taken up in continuation, if you join office, then this rule does not apply. For private sector companies, the policy differs from company to company and one need to check their company's HR policy for details.

Q.6 Can Casual Leaves be combined with Maternity leaves?
Ans. No , Casual Leaves can not be combined with maternity leave.

Q.7 Now, the Government has given one more leave to women employees i.e. Child Care Leave. Can it be combined with Maternity Leave?
Ans. Yes, It can be combined with Maternity leave. remember, not to join back in the office. As soon as you join back your maternity benefits gets cancelled.

Q.8 Can CL be combined with Maternity Leave?
Ans. No since CL is not considered a leave.

Q.9 I've adopted a new born baby , am I eligible for maternity leave?
Ans. Yes it is clearly allowed now( see high court order here).

Q.10 My child has died after birth, am I allowed Maternity Leave?
Ans. From this High Court order, we can see that Judge has made comments that "convalescing from labor and nursing breaks" are part of maternity leaves that's why it should be allowed in case of adoption of child. So even after death due to reason of need of convalescence, it should be allowed in case after death of child.

If you have any leave related questions and want us to answer it then raise it at our working women forum.

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Maternity leave

I am a central govt.employee... I have 2children .I availed maternity leave for second after joining service... now I am pregnant with my third... I heard there is a judgement from Chandigarh high Court allowing maternity benefits to third it true

can I avail maternity leave after joining after delivery


Hello sir/ma'm,
I had delivery in Nov. 2015 while i was selected for the post of primary teacher in last year. Due to court case joining was delqyed and Now I May get joining letter in April or May.right now my baby is 4 month old. Can i avail maternity leave after joining when my baby would be of 5-6 months
Can any other leave I may avail? If yes, please guide me because right now my baby needs more care.
Waiting eagerly for your reply

Thank you

Renu Rohilla

Can 3 types of leave can be combined

I am working in central government hospital,, I was on medical leave (private) and my delivery happened in emergency during that period, so I combined maternity leave with that, now can I take ccl in continuation..

eligibility for maternity leave

I joined MSEDCL on jan2016 as assistant engineer is there any working period completion required for taking maternity leave?

Can I avail maternity leave after joining

Hello sir/ma'm,
I had delivery in sept 2015 while i was selected for the post of Second grade teacher in June. Now I have got joining letter and i have to join before 15th feb 2016. right now my baby is 5 month old. Can i avail maternity leave as i am going to join the job before 15th feb.
Can any other leave I may avail? If yes, please guide me because right now my baby needs more care.
Waiting eagerly for your reply

Thank you


I am on my EOL leave and am pregnant

I am on my EOL leave and EOL is till Dec 2017 and I am pregnant and my due date is in July 31 2016 but my family and myself are in abroad so I can't travel now .so can I avail my maternity leave after my EOL it is not possible for me to travel. I am a govt servant..please give me ur advice

hi, my wife has

my wife has miscariage(intra utrine death of child) in 7th months of her pregnancy.she is working in a company. can she eligible for matarnity leave or any other leave.
please suggest.

Lost maternity benifit

My wife has got a job in one of the central government hospitals in India (as staff nurse). We are submitted all documents mentioned in the appointment letter, include medical certificate, character certificate etc..

After all document verification we got joining order from the personal section department. My wife is in pregnant period (7-8 month), due to this reason HOD of the nursing department rejected our joining order and forced me to write a job extension request to the personal section.

So we submit extension letter and they bring back the joining letter from us. Now we are waiting for the new date of joining after the delivery.

I would like to know about whether there is any rule violation happened in this case?
Are we eligible for joining and maternity benefit?

maternity leave

can anyone provide me the official maternity leave letter of 180 days (six months) of govt of Bihar???? i searched a lot but i didn't get. plse help me.

Start date for ML


Can start of ML be delayed by 2 weeks from the date of delivery?

Kindly suggest.

maternity leave - central govt hospital

I got selected for permanent job as asst professor in central govt medical college and was asked to join post medical test.

My situation:
I delivered baby last week of Apr 2015 => Currently baby is 6 weeks old and I have passed medical test => Joining date is in July 2015 which is 3 months from now
Can I go for loss of pay leave for 3 months immediately post joining?

a) Probation for permanent job (I am not currently working with them) starts as of July 2015 - 3 months from now: My medical test is cleared last week and I have appointment order as of Jul last week 2015 - 3 weeks post maternity.
b) note that I HAVE NOT JOINED yet and have to join July 2015 i.e. in 3 months
c) Can I apply for maternity leave immediately after joining in July last week for 3 months i.e. as soon as I join?
d) If c) is not possible, can I apply for loss of pay leave immediately after joining

What options do I have as I have not joined and probation starts immediately post joining?

Net-net this question is around if there is a discrimination between those that deliver baby post joining and those that deliver baby and then join?

Regarding maternity leave commencement


I am a Karnataka state govt employee and now 7 month pregnant and I have used all my EL till now.I have a work experience of 4 years and doctor has advised me on bed rest till my delivery because of placenta previa as travelling may affect me and my baby and my due date is 16th July 2015.
kindly give me an assistance about ML ,may I opt my ML from now only.

Please reply me as early as possible.

promotion policy durung continuation of maternity leave

I hav another entitled maternity leave will end on 15 promotion is due in mud september. If I take cclin continuation of Mat leave. Will my promotion be affected?

promotion policy durung continuation of maternity leave

I hav another entitled maternity leave will end on 15 promotion is due in mud september. If I take cclin continuation of Mat leave. Will my promotion be affected?

NPA during maternity leave

I am adoctor working in a govt institution like aiims delhi. I m on maternity leave. Normally we are given nonpractising allowance every month.
But I hav been refused transport allowance nd NPA during mat leave period.what are the rules regarding allowances in health sector employees.

Maternity Leave

Date of delivery: February 04, 2015

Date of Entering into EL: February 03, 2015

Reporting back for duty: February 19, 2015

Applied for Maternity Leave: From February 24, 2015 for a period of 180 days.

Question: Whether Maternity leave is permissible in this case.

Can I join before completion of ML?

I need to do a training scheduled in the last month of my maternity leave period for my promotion. What are the drawbacks of joining the office one month prior to completion of my ML if I am relieved from regular duties on account of participation in training?

Rules regarding Central Govt job offered to Pregnant women

I am waiting for a Government offer for past 2 years and I am yet to get my medical and background verification done.I recently contacted the concerned officials and got the information that i will be getting my offer by this may 2014.The problem is that now i am 1 month pregnant,by 'may' i will be 6 months.Please let me know if they will offer me the job and do i have to mention that i am pregnant in medical verification.Please enlighten me on the maternity leave rules a well.

Note:I have a offer with a defense establishment and it is in administration side.

Discuss your case with full

Discuss your case with full details at

promotion denied due to maternity leave taken 5 years ago

I am working in a central govt grant-in aid institute and am being denied promotion based on the maternity leave I took 5 years ago for 6 months period. I am being told that I was out of office for 6 months. Other who joined with me are being offered promotion. Please guide me as to my rights in terms of job promotion

Maternity leave for expired baby at delivery time -reg

my wife carrying second baby. after seventh month baby was expired in pragnant itself and delivery contacted after seventh month and removed death baby. whether she have eligible for avail maternity leave for 180 or otherwise eligible for abortion leave for 45days. Please clarify and send the copy of admissible leave rule.

Thanking you sir,



I am a central govt teacher .i joined my duties during vacation after availing maternity .leave .then i applied for ccl which was denied .i can not join my duty as no one is there to take care of the child .i even applied for eol .what can be done if eol is also denied.i am thinking of quitting my job.please help .

What will you do if you

What will you do if you husband dumps you tomorrow?

maternity leave after still birth


i am a central govt employee working with dept of post. on 20th may 2013 i delivered a still baby. i was in my 7th month (28 weeks) of pregnancy.the doctor certified as 'delivery of still born baby'

am i entitled to maternity leave of 180 days or abortion leave of 45 days ? 45 days leave is too short & 180 days leave is too much. do i have any other option ?

if i avail maternity leave now how many times will i be entitled for the same in future ?

again if i avail maternity can i join after 3 or 4 months ?

Maternity leave in continuation of EL/HPL

Can I take maternity leave in continuation of HPL or EL?
Or there is necessity to join in between to avail maternity leave?

No need to join. It can be

No need to join. It can be clubbed with both HPL and EL.

CCL denied in continuation to ML-Group A gazetted govt. employee

I am a faculty from a reputed government university in Delhi ( appointed Group A gazetted). I was on maternity leave since August'12 which ended Feb'13. I had applied for CCL in continuation to ML, but have been denied citing shortage of faculty as the reason ( got to know about it telephonically but not received the copy of order). Kindly guide me for the further course of action & options (with 4 years 5 months of regular completed service). Currently I have not joined and meanwhile sent an application stating that "as I have not received any reply from the competent authority regarding my CCL application I may be granted ordinary leave admissible which may later be converted to CCL, once sanctioned."

Have read in the threads"CCL taken in continuation to ML cannot be denied" but as in my case where do I appeal & where can I find this rule! Thank you in advance


Latest notification


Kindly tell if any latest notification regarding ccl has been issued about abolishing the ccl.

I'm not aware of any such

I'm not aware of any such circular.

pay issues during maternity leave.


I am a delhi govt. employee working as lab tech and currently on maternity leave since 14.5.12 till 9.11.12. From june onwards, i am getting salary minus various allowances such as hpca, transport & washing allowance. I heard that m.l. is a fully paid leave. So, kindly tell me what is the actual provision.

Yes all allowances except for

Yes all allowances except for transport should be admissible. ML is indeed fully paid leave. Consider yourself on official tour to another city for that duration. In that case which allowances will you be eligible for? Same will apply for ML.

Joining to new school during maternity leave


My wife is a teacher in Delhi government school and she has been proceeded on maternity leave since September 5th 2012. On Sep 10th she was transferred to a new school but she can not join the new school as she has already proceeded on maternity leave. Please put on some light on "In Absentia" rule for relieving from old school and joining in new school as salary related issues may come up in case a new appointment happens on her place in old school. Kindly give rule name and number as well.

Thanks & Regards,

maternity leave frm first day

I am about to join INDIAN INFORMATION SERVICE (GROUP A INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE ).I got my allocation letter , but the training is expected to start on december 17, 2012.My due date of delivery (first delivery)is dec 30,2012.Its said that they will give us joining time of 45 days . , but since my I am from kerala and need to go to delhi , i need advices on what can i do ?
can i join and apply for maternity leave?if I am able to reach ther?

If you join then they will

If you join then they will allow you to apply ML - you can take 6 months ML + child care in continuation.
Better join and earn some salary. You probation should be extended.

ML Leave

Can i take ML during my probationary period and its impact on probation

please don't ask repeat

please don't ask repeat questions.

not clear

i am not clear on the statement that probation will increase to the extent.will it hamper my transfer.


i have been selected as ta in cbdt still waiting for joining.i am pregnant and will be joining after 2 my questions are:
1)will i be able to take ml during my probation period and can i club it with any other leave.
2)i have got posting in pune region want it back in mumbai. so will ml hamper my transferand will it be considered in regural service
3)i want to avail the benefit of age relaxation in exam after 3 yrs of continuous service.will i be able to avail it after taking ml.

You'll be able to avail ML

You'll be able to avail ML and you can club with any leave except with CL. Theoretically ML is considered part of your service. Assume you've been working during this time.

Gap between two maternity leaves.


My wife is an officer in Indian army.
She delivered her first baby on 19/05/2011 and her next expected date of delivery is Nov. 2012.
Please let us know whether she is eligible for second maternity leave? please provide the reference of ruling also.

Yours is central rules. But

Yours is central rules. But I'm sure there is no problem in taking ML second time and gap has never been an issue.



I want to know if the ccl rules are different for different employees in the same office? Because I have seen senior officers getting ccl easily even when they have grown up children just for the sake of consuming all the ccl before their children turns 18 and those who are at junior level and actually need it specially after m.l. are not granted with such leave.please help.

Rules are same. If you're

Rules are same. If you're powerful you'll get easily. This is customary in India unfortunately.

extension of M.L

I m a govt. employee currently on m.l. for my second child which is expiring on 22.5.12. As I had taken m.l. one month before my delivery due to health problems, my baby would be aro und 5 months at the end of M.l. It would be very difficult for me to join office so soon as my husband has a private job and I have to take care of both the children.what kind of leave should I apply for and how many days in advance.Also, what is the maximum period of leave which can be granted in continuation with m.l.?

Thank u very much for your

Thank u very much for your response. I wanted to know that how many days before the expiry of m.l., one should apply for ccl and what if it is not granted?

You can apply even 1-2 months

You can apply even 1-2 months before expiry of your ML. It is not to be denied normally when taken in continuation.
You're free to apply any leave as suitable and it will not be denied. Your best bet will be CCL.
Please do be sincere to your job too by taking minimum leaves. It is not only husband that should be sincere to his job but you are as much responsible.
It is Indian men's attitude to take wife's govt job as granted and they expect that wife should take her job as "free" and try to squeeze out maximum from her job.
This is absolutely wrong idea.
Women in India must "earn" their self-respect.

Looks like any leave may be

Looks like any leave may be taken without medical certificate up to 2 years in continuation. Your best bet will be CCL but when in continuation with ML it will not be denied.

Is there any written document

Is there any written document guiding that maternity leave can be taken 45 days before the EDP?

m l for contract employee

hai, i have joined central govt job on contract basis. am i eligible for maternity leave

Yes you are.

Yes you are.