The principles governing the leave rules for central government employees

You can find circulars related to maternity benefit for central government employees here.

  1. Sanctions of leaves are at the discretion of sanctioning authority, hence leave cannot be considered as matter of right.
  2. Within 30 days of joining, the leave applied can be converted into leave of a different kind upon request by the employee, discretion of sanctioning authority and availability of leaves in his account. However, this cannot be taken as right.
  3. Conversion of leave to any different kind can be done within the service period only not after quitting the job/retirement.
  4. An official on leave cannot join any other service while on leave.
  5. Leave taken on the ground of medical certificate can be regularized only after production of medical certificate to competent authority.
  6. If competent authority can take second opinion on medical certificate, if feels to do so.
  7. Absence from duty after expiry of leave attracts disciplinary action.
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My wife is teaching in JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDHYALAYA(CENTRAL GOVT.).She is on probation period.She is pregnant.Can she avail maternity leave of 3 months or 6 months? and Can she give a medical certificate for 9 months? and can she avail CCL during probation?

Please answer my query,i am in confusion.

When Maternity leave can start ,after summer vacation

i am working in Jawahar navodya vidyalya (Central goverment) , school has been closed for summer vacation on 30th April 2013 and reopen on 28 June 13.
My delivery is on 07th may 13, in between summer vacation.

so my six month maternity leave will start on 07 may 13, or i will give maternity leave application on 28 june for six month. and leave will be from 29 june 13 to 28 dec 13.

Please confirm and provide referance document.

time between job joining and commencement of maternity leave

i am 6 months pregnant and going to join as a senior resident in a central govt. hospital on 1.11.2012,Am i entitled to get maternity leave after 2 months of joining the job i.e. from 1.1.2013?Will it be paid?

Rules of each govt

Rules of each govt organization may be different but you most likely will get it.

Duration of Maternal leave

may I know the duration of maternal leave under central Government rule

6 months

6 months